Peripheral and spine osteoarthritis: from pathophysiology to transformative therapeutics

The Inserm and ITMO PMN are happy to announce the First OsteoArthritis research Network (NetwOArk ) Autumn School to be held on November 23rd, 2023 in the Buffon Amphitheatre (15 rue Hélène Brion – Paris 13). The aim of this meeting is to facilitate interactions between senior and junior researchers working in the field of osteoarthritis.

The Inserm osteoarthritis research network (NetwOArk) aims to bring together all the scientific actors involved in research on osteoarthritis, in order to federate and promote the emergence of high-level scientific work in this field. NetwOArk is supported by Inserm and the life science Institute Pathophysiology Metabolism Nutrition (IT PMN).

For autumn school program

For registration