Photo Delphine Logeart Avramoglou

Position: Research Director, DR2
Administrative attachment: CNRS

ORCID profile


• Expertise: Bone tissue engineering / BMP protein therapy / Bone cell therapy with bone marrow stromal cells / Material scaffold
• Ethics and small animal experimentation

Curriculum Vitae

2012: HDR ( Habilitation to conduct researches) from the Department of Biology and Medicine – Paris Diderot University
1997-1998: Post-doctoral fellowship - Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Boston, USA)
1995-1996: Post-doctoral fellowship - Laboratoire de Recherches Orthopédiques, URA 1432 (Paris, France)
1995: PhD in Biological and Medical Engineering; Paris Nord University


PubMed publication list


+33 (0)1 57 27 85 63