Photo Hervé Petite

Position: Research Director, DR1
Administrative attachment: INSERM

Director of B3OA Lab

ORCID profile  


  • Bone Tissue Engineering
  • Bone repair biology
  • Use of mesenchymal stem cells for Tissue Engineering

Curriculum Vitae

2009 -now: Director of the B2OA UMR CNRS 7052, Paris, France, Director of research DR2 INSERM
2005-2009: Director of research DR2 INSERM et vise-director UMR-CNRS 7052, Paris, France.
2001 present: CR1 INSERM, UMR-CNRS 7052, Paris, France.
2000: CR1 INSERM, Department of Biochemistry., University College London, Londres,
1995-2000: CR1 INSERM, UMR-CNRS 7052, Paris, France.
1995: Course of cellular and molecular biology, Institut Pasteur, Paris, D. Louvard et A. Dautry.
1998: Course of cellular and molecular genetic, Institut Pasteur, Paris, M. Weiss et M. Fellous
1993-1995: Research in private company, INOTEB, Paris, France
1993 : MRC Bone Research Laboratory, , University of Oxford, Oxford, England. (01/01/ 1993 to 01/04 1993)
1992-1993: Research in private company, INOTEB, Paris, France.
1990-1992: Post-doctoral fellowship, Depar. of Clin. Eng., Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
1990: Doctorat of University in biological and medical engineering. Institut de Chimie et Biochimie des Protéines, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon

Selected Publications

Petite H, Viateau V, Bensaïd W, Meunier A, de Pollak C, Oudina K, Sedel L, Guillemin G. Tissue engineered Bone Regeneration. Nature Biotechnology, Vol 18, Sept. 2000. Link for the publication .
W. Bensaïd, D.V.M., J. T. Triffitt, C. Blanchat, K. Oudina, L. Sedel, H. Petite. A biodegradable fibrin scaffold for mesenchymal stem cell transplantation. Biomaterials 24-14, 2497-2502. Link for the publication .
Potier E, Ferreira E, Andriamanalijaona R, Pujol JP, Oudina K, Logeart-Avramoglou D, Petite H. Hypoxia affects mesenchymal stromal cell osteogenic differentiation and angiogenic factor expression. Bone 2007;40-4:1078-87. Link for the publication .
Deschepper M, Manassero M, Oudina K, Paquet J, Monfoulet LE, Bensidhoum M, Logeart-Avramoglou D, Petite H. Proangiogenic and prosurvival functions of glucose in human mesenchymal stem cells upon transplantation. Stem Cells. 2013 Mar;31(3):526-35. Link for the publication .
Martinod E, Chouahnia K, Radu DM, Joudiou P, Uzunhan Y, Bensidhoum M, Santos Portela AM, Guiraudet P, Peretti M, Destable MD, Solis A, Benachi S, Fialaire-Legendre A, Rouard H, Collon T, Piquet J, Leroy S, Vénissac N, Santini J, Tresallet C, Dutau H, Sebbane G, Cohen Y, Beloucif S, d'Audiffret AC, Petite H, Valeyre D, Carpentier A, Vicaut E. Feasibility of Bioengineered Tracheal and Bronchial Reconstruction Using Stented Aortic Matrices. JAMA. 2018 Jun 5;319(21):2212-2222. Link for the publication .

 PubMed publication list

Other activities

Chairman of the B3OA UMR CNRS INSERM 7052 (2019-2024)
Chairman of the B2OA UMR CNRS 7052, Paris, France (2008-2018)
Member of Learned Societies : Orthopaedic Research Society, European Tissue Engineering Society, GRIT (Groupement de Recherche en Ingénierie Tissulaire), BIOMAT, TERMIS (Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine International Society), CORS (Combined Orthopaedic Research Society), European Association for the study of Diabetes.
Member of the CNRS national committee 28 (pharmacology, bio-engineering, imagery, biotechnology ) 2013-2017,
Member of the scientific committee of l’équipex Ingénierie et Vieillissement des tissus Vivants et
CIC-Biothérapie AP-HP Hôpital Saint-Louis (Depuis 2013)


+33 (0)1 57 27 85 70