PhD defended by Rokia WAZZANI on December 8, 2022

PhD advisor: Christelle JAFFRE


Physical exercise is characterized by its beneficial effects on the human body. At the bone level, it results in an osteogenic action that improves the quality of the bone tissue. This is determined by vascularization and angiogenesis, among other things. The vascular network provides the bone tissue with the oxygen and nutrients that the bone cells need for their proper functioning. The effect of exercise on these different parameters depends on the intensity, frequency and type of exercise. Continuous exercise has little effect on bone tissue. Intermittent exercise has beneficial effects in terms of osteogenesis in Wistar rats. However, no study, to our knowledge, has investigated the effect of combined exercise on bone tissue quality and vascularization. Our objective is to analyze the effects of these different modalities of continuous, intermittent and combined exercise on the architectural and micro-architectural parameters of bone tissue, while taking into account the different mechanisms of mechano-transduction and vascularization. This study shows that combined training tends to promote angiogenesis of the distal femur. This phenomenon is associated with an osteogenic effect on the femoral trabecular bone. Intermittent running, previously known in the literature for its osteogenic effect, tends to have a slight angiogenic effect. Continuous running at moderate intensity does not seem to affect all the parameters in the femoral bone.

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